Thursday, April 30, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Gawd! I just can't wait to see it! And finally, Gambit is set to appear! Oh this is gonna be amazing!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biased heart and swayed mind

Currently Reading: Brida by Paulo Coelho

I think, therefore, I am. Or is it... I feel, therefore I am? I am in a continuous twirling motion of questioning and doubting and again questioning and soon enough I am back to zero. The heart cannot be fixed and the mind is too easy to control.


Desperation claws at my stomach
The last drops in the cup I savored.
I miss you
The drink that drugged me
The drink that influenced my every decision.
Where is that drink now?
The drink I crave and taste
Its every essence gave me life
Where is that drink now?
The drink that filled me with laughter
The drink that had my smiles,
That held my happiness?
Will I ever find that drink again?
But the question is,
Did that drink ever exist?
Was it blue?
Blue as the everlasting ocean and neverending sky.
The blue of the
heavens above?
Or was the drink green?
Was it green with envy, sorrow, jealousy?
Or was it red?
The temptation color,
As it tempted me so...
To taste, to drink,
Offering so much...
It tempted and teased,
It challenged...
And who am I?
To defy a challenge?
Who am I,
To let be teased?
Who am I,
To have the honor,
Of that one taste?

Oh, I could go on longer...
But a song awaits me, and sleep
Defies my every order and command.
Before my life here has left,
Answer my one question.
Did this drink,
This so called drink,
That held my happiness,
Did it ever exist?
In the depths of your
soul find the answer,
And if it's true...
I ask of you,
Tell that drink to give me back my happiness.
I am in dire need of it.